Equipments Details
The AS108 is a full-function USB-controlled vector (IQ) modulating signal synthesizer. The downloadable PicoSynth 2 Software presents a user interface for controlling its amplitude, frequency and phase agility; including modulations, sweeps, hopping and list modes from Microsoft Windows. Multiple synthesizers can be controlled from multiple instances of the software running on a single controlling PC or device. Remote control is also possible using the API included.
* 300 kHz to 8 GHz operation
* -15 dBm to +15 dBm dynamic range
* Fast 55 μs frequency settling time to 10 ppm
* Fast amplitude settling: < 25 μs to 1 dB and < 200 μs to 0.1 dB
* Sweep, hop and list of frequency and level or list phase and level
* 100 dBc/Hz phase noise typical at 1 GHz and 10 kHz offset
* 300 kHz to 8 GHz operation
* -15 dBm to +15 dBm dynamic range
* Fast 55 μs frequency settling time to 10 ppm
* Fast amplitude settling: < 25 μs to 1 dB and < 200 μs to 0.1 dB
* Sweep, hop and list of frequency and level or list phase and level
* 100 dBc/Hz phase noise typical at 1 GHz and 10 kHz offset
Name | Arbitrary Waveform Generators (8 GHz) |
Copyright Pico Technology
Copyright PicoSource
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