Supplement Certified Spin-Out

Impact: Economic , Quality of life

Description of impact (500 words)


Supplement Certified is an independent, third-party quality assurance company created by scientists, for the people, measuring carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids for the multi-billion-dollar supplement industry. The company is committed to setting the standard for quality in the supplement industry by helping companies attain and maintain the highest standards. The analytical team at Supplement Certified have over 25 years of experience in testing carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids in food and dietary supplements. Their vision is that dietary supplements follow the same regulations as medicines, so that the public has confidence when purchasing these products.


Supplements are used daily by millions of people with little validation of the quantitative aspects of their ingredients. While safety regulations are strictly adhered to, the amounts of the ingredients listed in the package are currently not enforced. To sell a food supplement, manufacturers only need to forward on a model of the supplement label to the food regulatory body of the country they wish to market in. This means that the amounts and stability of each ingredient listed is not demonstrated for the entire shelf life of the dietary supplement.

The team:

Professor John Nolan Founder, Lead Scientific Officer
Dr Alfonso Prado-Cabrero Founder, Lead Technical Officer
Alan Quinlan, CEO


The team are passionate about protecting consumers who might not be aware of the variation of quality that currently exists in the dietary supplement market. The mission of Supplement Certified is to help consumers have positive outcomes by supporting nutraceutical companies that seek to enhance human function.


Supplement Certified partner with companies that aim for the best product quality, and test their products to assess whether they meet their label claim over their entire shelf life. For the first time ever, the stability of supplements aimed at eye and brain health is being tested over the course of their shelf-life. Alongside the testing protocols developed by the team, the company utilizes state-of-the-art analytical systems to conduct analyses in their facilities in Waterford.

Upon spinning out, we have created a business structure that allows us to consistently enroll new customers and attract investment. Additionally, INAB has recommended Supplement Certified for ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation. Upon formal recognition by INAB, we will be internationally recognised for issuing accurate and trustworthy test reports.

Quotes/ Testimonials:

Dr Prado-Cabrero said “It is very satisfying to see how our expertise in the analysis of carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids help distributors formulate their products and, above all, will ensure that consumers really get what the label says.”

Prof Nolan says, “Our published research has already highlighted the issues surrounding commercially available supplements, and also the importance of recommending a supplement that has been independently scientifically tested in terms of efficacy and in terms of meeting its label claim. Supplement Certified is also established to assess the stability of the product over time and will work with companies to provide advice on how to meet standards and label claims, if products do fail following the detailed scientific testing.”
Category of impactEconomic , Quality of life