Bringing Together Digital Humanists, Computer Scientists and Stakeholders to Unlock Cultural Assets

Project Details


The AURA network (2020-2022) was funded by a joint programme between the Irish Research Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the UK.

Layman's description

The AURA network was designed to unlock cultural assets that are preserved in digital archives closed to the public or difficult to access. The digital revolution has had a huge impact on archival collections: emails have largely replaced letters, government reports are now written in digital format. Yet, the vast majority of these born-digital records are inaccessible due to privacy, copyright or technical issues. By bringing together Digital Humanists, Computer Scientists and stakeholders (including policy makers), the network aimed to design solutions to the problem of inaccessible records in digital archives.

Key findings

Publications in two special editions of journal publications:
1) AI & Society
2) Archival Science See:
and 3 workshops

Effective start/end date06/08/2020 → …


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