A DRL-based container placement scheme with auxiliary tasks

Ningcheng Yuan, Chao Jia, Jizhao Lu, Shaoyong Guo, Wencui Li, Xuesong Qiu, Lei Shi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Container is an emerging virtualization technology and widely adopted in the cloud to provide services because of its lightweight, flexible, isolated and highly portable properties. Cloud services are often instantiated as clusters of interconnected containers. Due to the stochastic service arrival and complicated cloud environment, it is challenging to achieve an optimal container placement (CP) scheme. We propose to leverage Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for solving CP problem, which is able to learn from experience interacting with the environment and does not rely on mathematical model or prior knowledge. However, applying DRL method directly dose not lead to a satisfying result because of sophisticated environment states and huge action spaces. In this paper, we propose UNREAL-CP, a DRL-based method to place container instances on servers while considering end to end delay and resource utilization cost. The proposed method is an actor-critic-based approach, which has advantages in dealing with the huge action space. Moreover, the idea of auxiliary learning is also included in our architecture. We design two auxiliary learning tasks about load balancing to improve algorithm performance. Compared to other DRL methods, extensive simulation results show that UNREAL-CP performs better up to 28.6% in terms of reducing delay and deployment cost with high training efficiency and responding speed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1657-1671
Number of pages15
JournalComputers, Materials and Continua
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2020


  • Auxiliary learning
  • Container placement
  • Deep reinforcement learning


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