Dynamic Capabilities for Managing Service Innovation: Towards a Conceptual Framework

Tadhg Blommerde, Patrick Lynch

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Despite widespread acknowledgement of the importance of service innovations and the capabilities that enable them, there is a paucity of management frameworks that provide practical guidance to firms (Gryszkiewicz et al., 2013). Literature is often vague, fragmented, or employs diverse approaches and definitions, which has resulted in significant confusion and extensive knowledge gaps (Walsh et al., 2009; den Hertog et al., 2010). Drawing from relevant research this paper delineates service innovation capability as a higher order, multi-dimensional construct and proposes a unified framework for its management consisting of four dynamic capabilities. This conceptual model enhances collective understanding of the discipline and directs the attention of firms to behaviours most critical to the continuous creation of service innovations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusSubmitted - 2014
EventIrish Academy of Management Conference 2014 - Limerick, Limerick
Duration: 03 Jan 0001 → …


ConferenceIrish Academy of Management Conference 2014
Period03/01/0001 → …


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