'Every Contact Counts, Enhancing Recruit Prison Officer Education'

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The Higher Certificate in Arts in Custodial Care (HCCC) is the entry-level qualification requirement for all new Recruit Prison Officers in the Irish Prison Service (IPS). It is a Level 6 two-year blended learning programme jointly developed and delivered by the Irish Prison Service College (IPSC) and Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT). In late 2018 Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education offered a funding stream for programme enhancement, through which the HCCC team were successful in procuring funding for the ‘Every Contact Counts’ project. The project began in April 2019 and seeks to address the challenges unique to the programme context, design and delivery. Following ethical approval, the first phase of the project comprised qualitative analysis with programme staff. The following paper presents the context of prison officer education in Ireland, the underlying philosophy of the HCCC and the findings of this research as they relate to the online elements of programme delivery.
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Title of host publicationWorld Conference on Online Learning
Publication statusPublished - 06 Nov 2019


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