First responders' narratives of drowning: Perceptions of family and community impacts and policy implications

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This is an exploratory study of the impacts of drowning death on local communities and families in the Republic of Ireland as perceived by first responders. The impact of a death may be particularly stressful. The identified population of interest were members of the Garda and first responders from Community Rescue Boats Ireland. The principal data collection method was one-to-one narrative interviews followed by a focus group. Questioning involved asking interviewees to talk about specific events rather than providing general opinions. Community identity was a source of impact, an urban or rural setting was a significant factor, social media was clearly an issue, and once the immediate incident was dealt with families did not receive much formal support. Families require the support of counseling professionals. Participants identified the need for support for search and rescue personnel and improved inter-agency collaboration. There is a need for national guidelines.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5
JournalInternational Journal of Aquatic Research and Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Community
  • Drowning prevention
  • Drownings
  • Families
  • Police
  • Rescue personnel
  • Social media


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