IPTV Resource and Performance Management using End-to-End Available Bandwidth Estimation Techniques

Brian Meskill

Research output: Types of ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Over-The-Top IPTV services have seen a huge increase in popularity in recent years. This fact coupled with the ever increasing resource requirements of IPTV services has created a necessity for e�cient and e�ective management of these IPTV services. This thesis presents contributions and �ndings into the use of end-to-end Available Bandwidth estimation to help govern Over-The-Top IPTV service delivery. An ex- amination is presented of the conditions under which end-to-end Available Bandwidth estimation is suitable for use in an IPTV scenario. This work is progressed to show that Available Bandwidth estimation is a suitable basis for Admission Control decisions. The thesis continues with the presentation and discussion of algorithms that use Available Bandwidth estimation to improve the performance management of the IPTV system. An algorithm is presented that governs the e�cient replication of content to allow better use of resources. This is followed by an algorithm that prioritises high value requests with the intention of maximising the revenue generated by an IPTV system. This thesis also looks at the use of Available Bandwidth estimation when interacting with external business partners. The important area of renewable energy utilisation for IPTV Service Delivery is examined. Available Bandwidth estimation is used in conjunction with energy information at data centres that are in use to ensure both Quality of Service preservation and maximisation of the Green Energy that is used by the IPTV provider. Reactive and predictive approaches to achieve these objectives are both presented.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Jennings, Brendan, Supervisor
  • Davy, Alan, Supervisor
Publication statusUnpublished - 2014


  • Bandwidth estimation techniques


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