Managing Interdisciplinary Research Projects in an Emerging Technological University in South-East Ireland: The RDLE Effect

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


The Irish higher education landscape is undergoing significant change including the transition of Institutes of Technology (IoT) to Technology University (TU) status, which is the context for the PhD project that this literature review relates to. Within the IoT, these changes have resulted in a heightened need for continued success when competing for research funding and attracting higher numbers of PhD students. Success of this nature depends, in part, on individuals identifying new sources of social, economic, and technological innovation. Building a research culture of interdisciplinarity (ID) will be a key aspect of achieving these milestones. At the centre of this move toward ID are the Principal Investigators (PIs), actors who find themselves responsible for delivering research projects; something which requires them to think and talk across disciplinary boundaries.
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Publication statusPublished - 05 Sep 2022


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