Measuring Visual Function Using the MultiQuity System: Comparison with an Established Device

Patrycja Smolarek-Kasprzak, John M. Nolan, Stephen Beatty, Jessica Dennison, Kwadwo Owusu Akuffo, Robert Kuchling, Jim Stack, Graham O'regan

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose. To compare measures of visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) from the Thompson Xpert 2000 and MultiQuity (MiQ) devices. Methods. Corrected distance VA (CDVA) and CS were measured in the right eye of 73 subjects, on an established system (Thompson Xpert) and a novel system (MiQ 720). Regression was used to convert MiQ scores into the Thompson scale. Agreement between the converted MiQ and Thompson scores was investigated using standard agreement indices. Test-retest variability for both devices was also investigated, for a separate sample of 24 subjects. Results. For CDVA, agreement was strong between the MiQ and Thomson devices (accuracy = 0.993, precision = 0.889, CCC = 0.883). For CS, agreement was also strong (accuracy = 0.996, precision = 0.911, CCC = 0.907). Agreement was unaffected by demographic variables or by presence/absence of ocular pathology. Test-retest agreement indices for both devices were excellent: in the range 0.88-0.96 for CDVA and in the range 0.90-0.98 for CS. Conclusion. MiQ measurements exhibit strong agreement with corresponding Thomson measurements, and test-retest results are good for both devices. Agreement between the two devices is unaffected by age or ocular pathology.

Original languageEnglish
Article number180317
JournalJournal of Ophthalmology
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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