Micro-credentials as a building block to recognize prior learning for entry to higher education

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Partnerships with training providers, certifiers and employers allow for greater ease of entry for students, removing the necessity for portfolio creation, particularly for those not as familiar with higher education Higher education providers can provide structured RPL with partners and identify pathways for students for credit or exemption from requirements This is also a benefit for the employer as it identifies a value add to prospective employees and can promote employee retention and development Structured PLA also reduces the cost of delivery and promotes scalability for the employers and higher education providers, thus contributing to the sub theme of democracy and skills in action.
A more streamlined structured RPL recognition process can allow for advanced entry or
exemption on programs Ideas will be shared from the Ireland and US perspectives for
adopting a structured process Many institutions likely do this informally, but investments
need to be made in order to scale and standardise approaches so that there will be equal
access to all eligible learners.
Case studies will be shared where RPL is integrated into micro credentials as stackable building blocks Discussion will also include marketing, administration, technology and AI implications Participants will be engaged to discuss the barriers to successful building from employer or other standardised approaches to RPL or exemption from certain levels of requirements It seems quite possible that technology and other AI based tools could be useful to assist learners and employers
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2024
Event5th Validation of Prior Learning Biennale: People, validation and power: democracy in action? - Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny, Ireland
Duration: 06 Jun 202408 Jun 2024


Conference5th Validation of Prior Learning Biennale


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