Numerical investigation of the impact of injectors location on fuel mixing in the HIFiRE 2 Scramjet combustor

Sasi Kiran Palateerdham, Lakshmi Narayana Phaneendra Peri, Antonella Ingenito, Ashish Vashishtha

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


In scramjets, the position and direction of the injectors plays a crucial role for fuel/air mixmg and combustion efficiency. Fuel injection is still a potential topic of research to be addressed, in fact an effective fuel injection strategy is critical for increasing the streamwise vorticity that has been found to be the main responsible for the fuel-air mixing in compressible flows. In fact, the position and the direction of the fuel injectors, the presence of a cavity scramjet has a critical influence on the density and pressure gradients, and consequently on the baroclinic tenn that is a source of vorticity. In this regard, this research wants to investigate the nature of the mixing in supersonic flows, investigating the contribution between the streamwise and stretching component for the vorticity. Numerical modelling of supersonic combustion using Large Eddy Simulations was carried out in HIFiRE 2 Scramjet to better understand the physics of the combustion and mixing.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Aerospace Europe Conference - EUCASS - CEAS - 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023

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