Protocols for Molecular Communication Nanonetworks

Frank Walsh

Research output: Types of ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Advances in nanobioscience and nanomaterials have resulted in biological nanomachines, or bionanomachines, that can perform tasks at the molecular scale and promise novel applications in the areas of medical, biological and nano science. A key enabler for these applications is the creation of nanoscale networks or nanonetworks which will facilitate communication and collaboration between bionanomachines and communication with external networks. However, the creation of a biological nanonetwork using conventional electromagnetic communication technology is constrained by the physical scale, biological compatibility factors, and the computational limitations of the biological nanomachines. Inspired by natural biological processes, molecular communication is an emerging communication paradigm that uses biological molecules to encode and transmit information. The current research in this domain has concentrated predominantly on the physical mechanisms and channel models involved in encoding and transporting molecular encoded information in biological environments. This thesis extends this work by developing communication protocols for molecular communication nanonetworks. More speci�cally, this research maps existing networking concepts such as addressing, routing and message scheduling to biological processes and shows how these processes can be integrated with di�erent modes of molecular communication. Components from various layers of a communication protocol stack are matched to suitable molecular computing mechanisms. Nucleic acid-based molecular computing solutions are used to design and simulate protocol components for information encoding and addressing of biological molecules whereas enzyme-based molecular computing solutions are utilised for routing and switching protocol functions. The performance of neuronal nanonetworks is investigated taking into account how neuron cell characteristics a�ect message delivery. This includes a genetic algorithmbased transmission scheduling approach to ensure that signals initiated by multiple devices will successfully reach the receiver with minimum interference. The reliability and delay characteristics for multi-hop, virus-based nanonetworks is also investigated and a probability model is developed. This is used to evaluate di�erent topology designs, taking into account the physiochemical and biological characteristics of virus particles. The �nal simulation results and analysis models characterise several approaches to nanonetworking using di�erent modes of molecular communication and provides the capability for accurately designing molecular communication nanoneworks. It is expected that this work will make a signi�cant contribution to the in-silico design and development of future nanoneworks. 2
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan, Supervisor
Publication statusSubmitted - 2013


  • Molecular communication nanonetworks


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