The Challenges of Digital Transformation in Post-Conflict Transition Regions: Digital Technology Adoption in Kosovo

Ylber Limani, Larry Stapleton, Peter P. Groumpos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


This paper discusses the related to the post-conflict developing regions, respectively transition regions which are a special subject of studies related to the deployment of technology in business processes. In typical circumstances Electronic Data Interchange and other digital technology become applied with the aim to improve the businesses effectiveness and efficiency by enhancing information quality, by increasing the information interchanging speed, by increasing business process flexibility and by improving operations and reliability of business network. Nevertheless, the purpose of digital technology at the operational level remains the same, the implementation and the goal are different when it comes to be implemented in specific regions, e.g. post-conflict and transition regions. While in developed economies the main objective of digital technology implementation is improvement of quality of information, in developing transition regions the implementation of EDI represents greater challenge since the main objective could be oriented towards economic stability. This study examines the implementation of digital technology with special emphasis on EDI implementation in less reliable environment of a post-conflict and transition region by exploring the challenges and obstacles.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)186-191
Number of pages6
Issue number30
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • B2B
  • Developing Countries
  • Digital Transformation
  • Industry 4.0. Transition economies
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Technology


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