The impact of Information Systems Development Education on Entrepreneurial Personality Traits and Cognitions

Brendan Lyng

    Research output: Types of ThesisMaster's Thesis


    This study investigated the effectiveness of entrepreneurship modules at developing entrepreneurial personality traits and cognitions of Information Systems Development (ISD) students studying at Irish Institutes of Technology (IoT). Current Irish government policy dictated that entrepreneurship education should be embedded in all technical third-level courses. In theory, such an education should create an entrepreneurial mind-set amongst students and increase the probability of graduates engaging in entrepreneurial action post completion of their studies. This study employed a classical research method. A set of hypotheses were designed and tested. Data was collected from first and final year students of IoT ISD courses; some of these courses featured a module in entrepreneurship. Data from these groups was compared. The results showed that: first-year ISD students possess entrepreneurial personality traits and cognitions similar to that of the general population. The results also showed that entrepreneurship modules rarely feature on IoT ISD courses. When offered they can impact the open-mindedness and entrepreneurial leadership qualities of students. However, one single entrepreneurship module was found to be insufficient to impact the other personality traits and cognitions associated with entrepreneurship. This research contributed to the theory, practice and planning of entrepreneurship education. It presented implications for policy makers and economists endeavouring to promote entrepreneurship as a career choice among computing graduates. It also had implications for educationalists and designers of ISD curricula in Irish IoTs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Stapleton, Lawrence, Supervisor
    • Byrne, Gabriel J., Supervisor, External person
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2008


    • Entrepreneurship, Education, Information Systems Development, Ireland


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