Win Win Podcast - Episode 27: Patrick Harding - Performance Coach to F1 Driver, Alex Albon

Bruce Wardrop (Producer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


Being a personal performance coach to F1 driver Alex Albon is one of the more unique jobs in sport; positions like this are rare like the drivers themselves. Irishman Patrick Harding started his career as a chartered physiotherapist and has honed his skillset over the years so that it is now laser focussed on maximizing the physical and psychological performance of individual athletes. What does it take to succeed at the cutting edge in one of the worlds most cut-throat sports? Listen to Patrick's amazing personal insight into the world of Formula 1 and elite performance in the the latest episode of Win Win, available now!!
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Publication statusPublished - 05 Apr 2022


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